10 Tips to update your bedroom under £50

Brits are once again on the lookout for DIY projects as the country remains in lockdown and the weather remains temperamental. If you want to give your bedroom a budget-friendly and easy makeover, experts at Soak&Sleep have unveiled their ten top tips for revamping tired-looking bedrooms without breaking the bank.
1. A lick of paint
Whether it's a feature wall or just a refresh across all four walls, a lick of paint is a sure-fire way of updating a tired bedroom. Easy to complete over a weekend, paint provides a quick and cheap solution! And, our top tip would be to focus on one wall for a show-stopping focal point in the room, rather than trying to cover every wall and ceiling. With a tin of paint costing less than £30, you can easily update a bedroom to make it the haven you deserve!
2. New bedsheets

Who doesn’t love a fresh sheet? Treating yourself to some new bed linen is a great way to get excited about your bedroom again! There is a reason why all the top hotel brochures and websites always feature a picture of a well-dressed bed. Not only does it show off the bedroom to best effect, but comfy, fresh bed linen can also make all the difference in how well you sleep.
3. Vinyl Wrap
Sweeping the nation in the latest Insta trend, we’ve seen DIYers picking up vinyl to update their old bedroom furniture. With vinyl coming in at just £20 for a roll on Amazon, you can breathe in new life to your old chest of drawers or bedside tables in no time!
4. Pick up the knitting needles
Both relaxing and rewarding, we’ve seen many people turn to knitting and crocheting to hone their skills during lockdown. Update your favourite bed linen by knitting yourself a chunky blanket or a cushion to match a new throw!
5. Light up your life!
Flip the switch on a quick investment into a new lamp or some fairy lights! Cosy mood lighting and feature lamps will draw the eye to the cute corners of your room and away from darker, less attractive areas! For bargain hunters, it’s possible to pick up cheap lamps from supermarkets or scour ebay for the perfect vintage finds. Changing the lightbulb can make a massive difference to your bedroom, pick warm, soft white lightbulbs to emit a relaxing yellow hue.
6. Invest in a new duvet or pillows

Pick your biggest duvet bugbear and give it an update - a new pillow to match your sleeping style will not only give you a comfier night’s sleep but will help you with aches and pains that might be troubling you. Experts recommend updating your pillows every 2 years!
7. Declutter!
Yes, you heard the dreaded ‘D’ word! Use the third lockdown to get round to that Spring Clean you always promise yourself - your bedroom will have a new lease of life, we promise!
8. Frame It
We all love reminiscing about old memories, seeing friends and holidays, but how many of us get round to giving ourselves physical reminders around the home or bedroom? Print out some of your favourite memories (free through some apps!) and find some cheap frames to give you some happy times to see from your bed.
9. Divide off cosy corners
Use curtains or voiles to corner off parts of your bedroom - with many in the UK using bedrooms as workspaces during the day, ‘draw’ a line under the working day by closing the curtains on your desk. Many have said they find it hard to switch off after work at the moment, a physical barrier between work and home could be the answer to your problems! Curtains also don’t have to hide anything - get a luxury hotel feel with transparent curtains surrounding your bed with a canopy style draping!
10. Be-leaf in the power of plants!
Small succulents and plants will quite literally breathe new life into a bedroom. Find plants such as Snake Plants or a Spider Plant for purifying the air in your bedroom and adding a touch of greenery to brighten up your space. Some plants also actually help you sleep better, such as Jasmine and Aloe Vera - just remember to water occasionally!
Got any more budget-friendly DIY tips to share? Make sure to comment below, and share your beautful reveals.