What art should you choose for your bedroom?

This year we have spent more time than ever before in our homes, and a large proportion of that has been spent in the bedroom. This has prompted many of us to upgrade and update our sleeping spaces to create a perfect haven for drifting off and forgetting the worries of the day. But what art should you have in your bedroom? What colours should you look for? And should it calm you or wake you up? We spoke to Stuart MacKenzie from One Off Art, who are a group of artists that create unique art to a client's requirements, to get his opinion
1) Why is art important in the bedroom?
You spend a third of your life in the bedroom – and not all of it sleeping. Art in the bedroom can be calming to help you drift off or vivid and colourful to inspire as you wake. Your bedroom is the perfect room to really reflect your personality so it’s a great space to experiment with art you really like.
2) How do you select art for your bedroom?

Choice will be influenced by factors like your psyche and the style of the room. If you need relaxing at bedtime, for example, choose something muted, calming and possibly abstract. The important thing is to pick things that you like and are meaningful to you – don’t be influenced by trends or tempted to choose something to match your duvet cover. These days many people favour gallery walls with multiple pictures so this really gives you the opportunity to select a range of images that you like. When it comes to the size of the piece, a large picture can look great above the bed, really making a feature of the space, or having several smaller pieces around the room can also work.
3) Should you choose muted colours or can you be a bit more experimental?
Colour is less of a factor than style and content when it comes to choosing art. Be as experimental as you like. Bear in mind, however, that you’re likely to be living with your choice for a long time. Your taste can change as quickly as your mood so choose something that has longevity rather than something that may be too redolent of a fleeting emotion or whim.
4) Is the bedroom a space where you can reflect your personality with any art you choose?

All art you choose should reflect your personality because it should be what you’re drawn to whether by the subject matter or the style and colours. Your choice says something about you. If anything the art in your bedroom can be even more intimately reflective of your personality because it’s a more personal and private space than most other rooms.
5) We've seen a real trend of people adding plants to their bedrooms since the lockdown. Have you noticed any art trends since the pandemic began?
Obviously most people have been spending much more time at home. Many have found inspiration in creativity and making their own art. Artists who have been confined have found new ways of looking at the seemingly mundane and everyday objects around them. Landscape paintings and street photography have also helped relieve people’s feelings of entrapment or isolation during the pandemic.
6) How much should you be looking to spend on art for your bedroom?

This of course is all down to budget and how much you think something is worth. Remember an artwork will last a lifetime and can be a lasting source of meaning and pleasure that will continue to evoke memories. Commissioned works are more expensive than mass-produced prints but not necessarily more than an original artwork bought from a gallery.
Commissioning a piece of art gives you the opportunity to collaborate with the artist which means the work will be even more personal and genuinely expressive. A commission also gives you more control of cost as you can discuss your requirements and what’s possible for your budget with the artist. Prices normally start around £500 unframed for a commission.
7) Do you suggest hanging a large piece of art above your headboard to act as a feature for the room or several smaller pieces around the room?
Whether you like a busy, cluttered room with lots of visual noise, or a clean, minimalist space will have a bearing on the art you choose for your room. In either case it’s good to have one standout piece that sets the tone and mood of the room as a focal point. Obviously having this above the headboard means you don’t benefit from seeing it while you’re in bed. The architectural layout and positioning of furniture will dictate where you place artworks. How many and what size is up to you.
Got any tips for bringing art to your bedroom, or want to share your looks with us, comment below.