Fancy injecting a bit of colour into your home but not sure how? Soak&Sleep are here to help…
You are what you eat! We’ve all heard it and we all know, whether we like it or not, that it rings true. As a society caught up in appearance constantly worrying about how we look and how others perceive us, it’s easy to believe that diet only affects this. But our diet heavily affects how we sleep.
Find out how food and drink can have a direct impact on how we sleep, and what are the best and worst things to have before switching off.
With spring on its way, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! With warmer months comes spring cleaning – a top to bottom household cleanse we know you’re secretly looking forward to. But why wait when you can start your cleaning frenzy now?
When we think of a bed, most of us in the UK would imagine something involving a mattress covered by a sheet, a duvet, and a couple of pillows – a simple and comfortable set-up. This style of bedding, however, is actually a fairly recent import to Britain, replacing centuries of bother with piles of sheets, blankets, and eiderdowns.
Ever wondered where ‘take forty winks’ originated from? We’ve done some research and found the meaning behind some common sleep facts and superstitions.
On Friday 5th June, the Soak&Sleep team joined 100 other ambitious ramblers to walk 50k through the night, with the aim to raise £50,000 for Dimbleby Cancer Care charity.
Feather pillows provide that luxurious and comforting nights sleep so you will want to keep them in tip-top shape to have that heavenly feeling again and again. Here at Soak&Sleep we have put together some advice about how to wash and care for your feathered pillows.
Mental Health awareness week took place last week (the 14th -20th May). Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, the week aimed to encourage people to speak about Mental Health to help share and support. This year the focus was on stress. Research has shown that two-thirds of us experience a mental health problem in our lifetimes, and stress is a key factor in this.
If you’re still struggling to keep warm, then ‘Wrap up!’ Read on and check out our ‘Soak&Sleep - top tips’ for keeping nice and toasty.